All manuscripts submitted for publication should meet the following conditions:

  1. Process of submitting manuscript, please open the page Jurnal Hesti Wira Sakti
  2. If you don’t have an account and password, please make it first then can log in using the account and password you have created. Prepare the script according to the instructions below.
  3. The submitted script will undergo a strict editorial examination for plagiarism and writing format. Scripts that don’t pass the initial check will not proceed to the reviewer.
  4. Articles must include a certificate / certificate of passing the ethical test for both invasive research or not
  5. The script will not be processed if it doesn’t follow the journal's minimize style and writing instructions.



All submitted manuscript can use Indonesia and English. The Editor team doesn’t provide proofreading services for English, so it is the responsibility of the author. If grammar is too poor and doesn’t meet the standards, then the team editor will not process.


Make sure all the documents below are ready to be uploaded with:

  1. Manuscript
  2. Title page
  3. Copyright Assignment Form(in sign all author)
  4. Form conflict of interest
  5. Ethical clearance(for the study with invasive actions)
  6. The research permit (for non-invasive studies)
  7. Abstract and keywords
  8. Text (introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion)
  9. Acknowledments
  10. Reference


The manuscript of the article is structured according to the following guidelines:

  1. Title

The title of the article should represent the contents of the article that is compiled in a concise, solid and assertive. The title of the article is written in Indonesian and English, using capital letters, Times New Roman font size 12, center and bold.

  1. Writer's name

The author's name is written under the title without any academic degree or position.

  1. Correspondence Address

A form of the agency where the author works equipped with an email address.

  1. Abstract

An abstract should be in a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words (Bahasa Indonesia), typed with Times New Roman, 11 pt, single space, and italicized and must include Background: briefly describe introduction of the study, Objective: describe the purpose of the study, Method: Describe the series of methods used in research, Results: Brief results of the study, Conclusions: Conclusion of the study. Avoid abbreviations and references in the abstract. Keywords (keywords) 3-5 words.

  1. Introduction

First section which provide background and research objectives, followed by results of previous studies that support the problem. Data that refers to specific references is written using mendeley or zotero format elsevier Harvard with titles, ex: (Bush et al., 1997). Font type used Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 space.

  1. Research methods

The research method consist of Research Design, Research Target (Population and Sample), Data Collection and Instrument Development Technique, and Data Analysis Technique.

  1. Research result

Illustration of research results may come in the form of graphs, table, or pictures. The results presented are meaningful findings and relevant to the research objectives.

  1. Table
  2. Give the table number sequentially in Arabic numerals (table 1 , Table 2, table 3 DST) in the order of the first quote in the text
  3. Give a clear and informative title in each table
  4. Table title using the letter Times New Roman size 10 pt and thick
  5. Table content using the letter Times New Roman size 8 pt with single space
  6. Table do not use vertical lines
  7. Table descriptions are placed below the table
  8. If the table from another publication, then the source must be listed.
  9. Image or Graph
  10. Give picture number sequentially in Arabic numbers (Fig 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc.) in the order of the first quotation in the text
  11. The image Format can be JPEG/TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. Color images in CMYK or RGB format.
  12. Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear and evenly distributed, and with sufficient size that when the size is reduced to publication, each item will still be clearly identifiable.
  13. If the image comes from another publication, it is mandatory to include the source
  14. Abbreviations And Symbols
    1. The full term and abbreviations on the first writing should be clearly followed by parentheses, such as the Personal Protective equipment (PPE). Then just use the PPE.
    2. The abbreviations used must be those based on international standard.
    3. Weight, volume, etc. must be written with metric standards.
  15. Discussion

The discussion suggests the relevance or compatibility between the results of research with the theory and comparison of recent results with other published results. The discussion also explains the implications of the findings for science and its utilization.

  1. Acknowledments

The acceptable contribution includes general support by the institution/institution/head both in the form of technical assistance, and financial support and or materials (including grants). Mention conflicts of interest, if any.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion should be in full sentence form containing renewable findings to answer the research problems.

  1. Suggestion

The suggestion provides recommendations for further research.


The citation uses a numbering technique. Each quote is numbered and customized to appear in the article.

  1. Reference

All references (last 3-5 years) mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the article script. Reference materials consist of 60% of primary libraries (scientific journals) and 40% of other literature. All libraries are arranged in the order of serial numbers, while references are arranged alphabetically.

The general format of reference writing:

References are written using Mendeley, Zotero, or similar applications format Elsevier Harvard with titles.

Examples of reference writing

Bush, A.O., Lafferty, K.D., Lotz, J.M., Shostak, A.W., 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. J. Parasitol. 575–583.

Baudrillard, J. 1970. La Société de Consommation. Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham. Terjemahan J.P. Mayer dan B.S. Turner. 1998. The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures. Sage Publication Inc. London

Dewi,  A.  R.  2003.  Pengaruh  Konservatisme  Laporan  Keuangan  Terhadap  Earnings  Response Coeficient. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Akuntansi VI Surabaya. Universitas Airlangga: 119-159.

Himman,  L.M.  2002.  A  Moral  Change:  Business  Ethics  After  Enron. San Diego University Publication. 27 Januari 2008.

Kalana, I., S. Ngumar, dan I.B. Riharjo. 2012. Independensi Auditor Berbasis Kultur dan Filsafat Herbert Blumer. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XV Banjarmasin. 20-23 September.

Kementerian  Pendidikan  dan  Kebudayaan  RI.  2011.  Pendidikan  Anti  Korupsi  untuk  Perguruan Tinggi. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Jakarta

Merna, T. dan F. F. Al-Thani. 2008. Corporate Risk Management. 2nd  ed. John Welly and Sons Ltd. England.

Natsir, M. 2008. Studi Efektivitas Mekanisme Transmisi Kebijakan Moneter di Indonesia Melalui Jalur Suku Bunga, Jalur Nilai Tukar, dan Jalur Ekspektasi Inflasi Periode 1990:2-2007:1. Disertasi. Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.

Riduwan, A. 2010. Etika dan Perilaku Koruptif dalam Praktik Manajemen Laba. Jurnal Akuntansi & Auditing Indonesia 14(2).

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 8 Juli 2003. Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 4301. Jakarta. 


  1. Please note that the entire manuscript submitted at JKL will be checked for plagiarism.
  2. The author must do paraphrase in his own words to avoid plagiarism.
  3. In cases where a particular quotation will lose its original meaning and essence if the paraphrase is attempted, the journal requires the author to include a quotation in quotation marks ("") to indicate that it is a direct quote from the source. But should not be excessive.
  4. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan provides a maximum tolerance of 10%.