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Mila Krisnawati
Anik Sri Purwanti
Raden Maria Veronika Widiatripalupi


Introduction: Acupressure massage LI 4, LI 20 and ST40 which is done correctly at the point of cough and cold will make muscle relaxation, including the lungs also become relaxed and blood distribution becomes smoother with the aim of healing coughs and colds faster. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acupressure on the duration of cough and cold in toddlers. Methods: The instrument in this study was to use a questionnaire and an observation sheet. The research method used is Pre Experiment with a one group pretest-posttest design approach. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique with 24 respondents. Results: The results of the study The duration of cough and cold in toddlers aged 1-4 years before being given acupressure therapy LI4, LI 20, and ST 40 at the Arjowinangun Health Center Malang City in the moderate category. The duration of cough and cold in toddlers aged 1-4 years after being given acupressure therapy LI4, LI 20, and ST 40 at the Arjowinangun Health Center Malang City in the cured category. Based on the Wilcoxon test, it shows that the level of sig.(2-tailed) is known to be 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of giving LI4, LI 20, and ST 40 acupressure therapy on the duration of cough and cold in toddlers aged 1-4 years. Conclusion: So it can be concluded that it is expected that mothers or baby companions have knowledge about acupressure therapy and know how to handle toddlers who have coughs and colds

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How to Cite
Krisnawati, M., Purwanti, A. S., & Widiatripalupi, R. M. V. . (2023). THE EFFECT OF GIVING ACUPRESSURE THERAPY LI 4, LI 20 and ST 40 ON THE DURATION OF COUGH AND COLD IN TODDLER 1-4 YEARS AT ARJOWINANGUN HEALTH CENTER, MALANG CITY. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti, 11(01), 48-54.


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