Literature Review: Effects of Brain Exercise Therapy Modalities to Improve Cognitive Function in Elderly with Dementia

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Eki Pratidina
Silpiana Amelia
Manaf Manaf


Background: Dementia is a problem of cognitive function such as decreased memory that occurs in the elderly. The increase in the prevalence of dementia follows the increase in the elderly population. It is estimated that the number of dementia will double every 20 years, namely 65.7 million in 2030. One of the therapies to treat dementia is by doing brain exercises. Objective: To determine the effect of brain gym modality therapy on the elderly. Method: a literature review using the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The journal selection method uses PRISMA. The object of this research is a journal for the last 5 years (2017-2022). The collection of data used is secondary data. Journals were selected with inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 journals were obtained, and the research design used descriptive studies, case studies, and quick experiments. Evaluation of journal feasibility with critical appraisal using the Joanna Briggs Institute instrument. Results: The results of the analysis show that the correct type of modality therapy for use in the elderly with dementia is brain exercise therapy where there is an effect of brain exercise on the level of dementia in the elderly. Conclusion: Brain gym affects the cognitive function of the elderly with dementia. Suggestion: It is hoped that it can become a reference for the health team in providing the implementation of nursing care for the elderly with dementia with brain exercises so that cognitive function abilities in the elderly can be maintained and maintained.

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How to Cite
Pratidina, E., Amelia, S., & Manaf, M. (2023). Literature Review: Effects of Brain Exercise Therapy Modalities to Improve Cognitive Function in Elderly with Dementia. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti, 11(01), 112-127.


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