Review of the Provision of Information and Approval of Medical Actions for Sectio Caesarian Surgical Patients in Husada Bunda Bunda Hospital, Malang

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Wigati Nurjayanti
Achmad Jaelani Rusdi
Retno Dewi Prisusanti
Fita Rusdian Ikawati


Introduction: Informed consent is a description of the approval of medical action given by the patient or the patient's guardian who has the right to the doctor to take a medical action against the patient after obtaining complete and understood information about the action. This study aims to determine the implementation of providing information on approval of medical actions for patients with caesarean section in inpatient units. Methods: This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Observation data collection techniques (20 samples of medical record files) and interview guidelines for key informants (medical record officers for caesarean section surgery in July – December 2021), and key informants (OK surgical nurses). The data analysis technique used 4 methods, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Results: The results of the study stated that the implementation of providing information was in accordance with existing standards. The completeness of the informed consent form is included in the not good category, this can be seen from the form with the highest incompleteness 16 samples (44%) in the patient's family signature and the name of the witness's signature 1. Conclusion: The implementation of providing information already exists, starting from the place of registration, the inpatient room, the doctor providing information to the patient before taking medical action. Completeness of the informed consent filled out by doctors and nurses to be filled out completely

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How to Cite
Nurjayanti, W. ., Rusdi, A. J. ., Prisusanti, R. D. ., & Ikawati, F. R. . (2022). Review of the Provision of Information and Approval of Medical Actions for Sectio Caesarian Surgical Patients in Husada Bunda Bunda Hospital, Malang. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti, 10(2), 113-122.


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