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wiwit dwi nurbadriyah


Pendahuluan Anemia defisiensi besi adalah anemia yang timbul karena kekurangan zat besi (Fe). Besi merupakan elemen mikronutrien yang penting, jika kekurangan akan manghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kecerdasan, rentan terserang penyakit karena penurunan imunitas. Prevalensi tertinggi pada akhir masa bayi dan awal masa kanak-kanak (prasekolah). Zat besi bagi anak sangat penting sehingga perlu upaya pencegahan primer defisiensi besi melalui pemberian makanan sehat. Peran keluarga (ibu) sangat penting karena usia prasekolah belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan gizi secara mandiri, sehingga perlu bantuan dari keluarga. Perilaku ibu dalam pemenuhan gizi anak dapat diidentifikasi dengan pendekatan teori Health Promotion Model (HPM). HPM merupakan perspektif teori yang mengeksplorasi perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan anak prasekolah. Metode Rancangan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif design dengan sampel 25 responden yaitu ibu dari anak prasekolah di PAUD An Nur Sawahan Turen Malang melalui teknik sampling purposive. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen. Data yang diambil yaitu demografi meliputi usia ibu, suku, motivasi dan data khusus perceived benefit, peceived barrier, perceived self efficacy, activity related affect. Hasil penelitian motivasi 64% kuat dan data khusus perceived benefit 60% memiliki persepsi positif tentang manfaat pencegahan anemia, peceived barrier 52% mempersepsikan adanya hambatan, perceived self efficacy 68% mempunyai persepsi yang kuat tentang kemampuan diri, activity related affect 64% memiliki sikap yang kuat dalam pencegahan anemia. Diskusi Tenaga kesehatan diharapkan melakukan pendampingan kepada keluarga melalui kader kesehatan tentang praktek pencegahan anemia dan pengoptimalan program meja 4 di Posyandu Balita untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pentingnya zat besi.
Kata kunci: perilaku, pencegahan anemia, health promotion model

Introduction Iron deficiency anemia is anemia resulting from a lack of iron (Fe). Iron is an important micronutrient elements. Anemia in children will gradually hinders the growth and development of intelligence, vulnerable to disease because of decreased immunity. The highest prevalence are in late infancy and early childhood (preschool). Iron is very important for children thus it needs primary prevention of iron deficiency through the administration of healthy food for children. The role of the family (the mother) is very important since preschool ages have not been able to meet the nutritional needs independently, so it needs the help of the closest environment that is family. Mother's behavior in the child nutrition meet can be identified with the theoretical approach of Health Promotion Model (HPM). HPM is a theoretical perspective that explores the behavior of mothers in the prevention of pre-school children anemia.
Method The design of descriptive was exploratory design study with a sample of 25 respondents namly mothers of preschool children in Early Childhood Education Program of An Nur Sawahan Turen Malang through purposive sampling techniques. Collecting data used instruments. Data taken were demography include maternal age, ethnicity, motivation and specific data perceived benefit, perceived barrier, perceived self-efficacy, activity related affect. Result The results of motivational research was 64% strong and specific data of perceived benefit was 60% have a positive perception of the benefits of prevention of anemia, perceived barrier was 52%, perceived self-efficacy was 68% have a strong perception of self-efficacy, activity related Affect was 64% have strong attitude in the prevention of anemia.DiscussThe health worker is expected to provide guidance for families through health volunteers in terms of anemia prevention practices and optimization of program in integrated services for children under five years old in providing health education about the importance of iron.
Keywords: mother behavior, anemia prevention, health promotion models

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Author Biography

wiwit dwi nurbadriyah, Stikes Kepanjen Malang

keperawatan Medikal Bedah
How to Cite
nurbadriyah, wiwit dwi. (2017). PERILAKU IBU DALAM PENCEGAHAN ANEMIA ANAK PRASEKOLAH BERBASIS HEALTH PROMOTION MODEL. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti, 5(1), 70-77. Retrieved from